Working at the intersection of tech , climate and health to create a level playing ground for girls and women .
For inspiration, see the home page of website

Who Are We?

SheTechive Limited is not just a software development company; we are architects of empowerment.
Our mission is to propel girls and young women into a future where technology is a vehicle for social, economic, and political wellbeing.

Our journey is woven with the threads of innovation and a commitment to providing the right technology tools for every girl and young woman. We envision a world where their potential knows no bounds, where they thrive with the aid of cutting-edge solutions.

SheTechive Limited stands at the intersection of technology and empowerment, fostering inclusion and creating opportunities that resonate beyond code and circuits. Join us in shaping a future where every girl and young woman has the keys to unlock their full potential.

Causes We Support

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Collected: $45,000.00
Goal: $60,000.00

Empower girls through education and provide them with the tools they need to shape a brighter future.

How can you help us?


Empower the future by contributing to our cause. Your donation supports our initiatives, making a direct impact on the lives of girls and young women in need.


Become a catalyst for change by organizing fundraising events. Small-scale efforts can inspire social change and contribute to the growth of our empowering initiatives.


Join us in fostering gender equality and addressing social challenges. Your participation is key to building a future where technology is a force for positive change.


Make a meaningful contribution by supporting vulnerable citizens. Your involvement leverages inclusive strategies to mobilize resources and create lasting impact.

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